GUK Agriculture Development Program
Under Agriculture Development Program, GUK has been providing input support, high value quality seeds, agro-machineries, agro-product processing & preservation along with market linkage with different actors to sell their agricultural products through its agriculture experts. From the inception, GUK has been implementing various agriculture development program activities in order to create working scope and increase production of different high value crops in the operating areas. The farmers are receiving loan on different agriculture related IGAs. A total number of 8,16,261 borrowers received agricultural loan on different crop & vegetable cultivation, agriculture inputs like seed, fertilizer, pesticide business and Ago machineries etc. amounting to Tk. 22,908,702,000 from GUK Agriculture Development Program.
- Imparted training to 5,126 farmers on production of improved crops and vegetables to increase the production and productivity.
- Promoting sustainable agricultural practices for the economic emancipation as well as to adapt suitable and profitable cropping pattern in the project areas.
- A total number of 8,16,261 borrowers have received agricultural loan amounting Tk.22,908,702,000 for cultivating season based diversified crops and vegetables using modern technologies, agriculture inputs business and agro machineries.